I have a panel in my Form like this:
and a Panel_BackColor in project's Settings.setting file:
I can change panel back color in the Form constructor:
public partial class MainForm : Form
public MainForm()
panel1.BackColor = UI_Settings.Default.Panel_BackColor;
All things work at runtime:
But nothing change at Design Time. How can I apply these settings at Design mode too?
I asked "not edited version" of this question on MSDN forum and got an answer within an hour.
Questions like Convert int to string? is a good questions but mine is not! I think stackoverflow should keep a watch on it's editors and policy.
The answer:
Select your control in Form Designer (for example a button), go to Properties, (ApplicationSettings)
, then bind BackColor
or other property to Button_BackColor
or other settings. Afterward by changing settings in Settings.settings file, all binded controls would be affected.