I'm adding a key pair (private key and certificate) to windows key store in java. I need to make private key not exportable. Java code which does this makes private key exportable. How can I change this?
I didn't find any properties or attributes in which this can be changed. Keystore.store method gets LoadStoreParameter but it looks like it's about setting password for private key.
PrivateKey privateKey=...;
Certificate certificate=...;
KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-MY");
keyStore.setKeyEntry("alias",privateKey,"".toCharArray(),new java.security.cert.Certificate[]{certificate});
Access to windows cryptographic services is managed by the SunMSCAPI provider. It provides a bridge between java JCE API and windows services. See documentation
The SunMSCAPI provider enables applications to use the standard JCA/JCE APIs to access the native cryptographic libraries, certificates stores and key containers on the Microsoft Windows platform. The SunMSCAPI provider itself does not contain cryptographic functionality, it is simply a conduit between the Java environment and the native cryptographic services on Windows.
keystore in SunMSCAPI uses the standard Java KeyStore API, and it does not define any type of "extractable" property, so I'm afraid you will not be able to establish it.