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How to call function through onclick when JS is loaded through System.js

I'm have an typescript file in my MVC project that has gotten quite large. I want to break it up use System.js to load the files.

I have included the system.js reference within my _Layout.cshtml view.

<script src="~/Scripts/system.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function ()

My main.ts file has a function that loads an item.

function load(id: string): void
    // Stuff

In my Index.cshtml view I have a div that calls the function when it's clicked.

<div onclick="load('@item.Id')"></div>

But everytime I click on the div I get the following error in the console:

Uncaught ReferenceError: load is not defined at HTMLDivElement.onclick ((index):41)

Looking at the network traffic I can see that main.js is loaded by system.js. But for some reason the functions cannot be accessed via the HTML. Am I doing the something in the wrong spot? Or is there a specific way I need to setup my typescript file to call the function?

Thanks for any help.


  • <div onclick="load('@item.Id')"></div> This old-school-pure-html way of binding event listener requires load to be a global scope function.

    System.js import your main.js, but it kinda scopes it up in a closure I guess. load is no longer accessible in global scope, thus the bug.