I installed the rets-client
package from npm.
I ran other query
and get meta
which works fine but when I am trying to do the photo streaming example
I kept on getting errors
Error: RetsReplyError: RETS Server reply while attempting getObject - ReplyCode 20403 (NO_OBJECT_FOUND); ReplyText: No Object Found [260978536:1].
I followed the the code in the example
try {
rets.getAutoLogoutClient(clientSettings, async (client) => {
const photoIds = {
'260978536': '*', // get all photos for listingId 260978536
const photoStream = await client.objects.stream.getObjects('Property', 'Photo', photoIds, {
alwaysGroupObjects: true,
ObjectData: '*'
console.log("======== Photo Stream Results ========");
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
let i = 0;
photoStream.objectStream.on('data', function (event) {
try {
if (event.type === 'headerInfo') {
console.log(' ~~~~~~~~~ Header Info ~~~~~~~~~');
console.log(" -------- Photo " + (i + 1) + " --------");
if (event.type === 'error') {
console.log(" Error: " + event.error);
} else if (event.type === 'dataStream') {
fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(
"/tmp/photo_" + event.headerInfo.contentId + "_" + event.headerInfo.objectId + "." + event.headerInfo.contentType.match(/\w+\/(\w+)/i)[1]);
} catch (err) {
photoStream.objectStream.on('error', function (errorInfo) {
photoStream.objectStream.on('end', function () {
} catch (errorInfo) {
const error = errorInfo.error || errorInfo;
console.log(" ERROR: issue encountered:");
console.log(' ' + (error.stack || error).replace(/\n/g, '\n '));
reason I used that photo id is because when I do query I can see that this listing id has PictureCount
of 20
but somehow it's giving me no object found.
sample listing query return for the same id
{ L_Area: 'Islands-Van. & Gulf',
L_ListingID: '260978536',
L_Status: 'Expired',
L_PictureCount: '20',
L_Last_Photo_updt: '2015-07-15T04:27:00',
L_DisplayId: 'V1064230' }
Can someone please give me a hand on where I am doing wrong here? Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.
P.S. I also tried using one L_ListingID
with L_Status
as Active
instead of Expired
but the result is the same
The RETS server you're connecting to does not allow image downloads because it's a staging server and they want to keep the bandwidth low. You'll have to test your code against their production server, or ask the MLS to allow downloads from their staging environment.