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How to request a POST API send token and body values using Rest-Assured?

I'm trying to create an Test Automation for a POST API using Rest-Assured and Java. This POST API have a body as Application/JSON, like this:

        "email": ""

To make this request I'm using the follow code, but it's returning Status code "400", but I'm sending the same information on Postman and it's returning "200":

@And("envio as informacoes da chamada: (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*) e (.*)")
        public void enviarDados (String srtEmail, String srtSenha, String srtAmbiente, String srtAPI, String srtToken) {
HashMap<String,String> postContent = new HashMap<String,String>();
            postContent.put("email", srtEmail);
            postContent.put("password", srtSenha);
            //System.out.println("{\"customer\":" +postContent+ "}");
            given().contentType(ContentType.JSON).header("Authorization", "Bearer"+srtToken).header("Content-Type", "application/json").
            with().body("{\"customer\":" +postContent+ "}").

The "400" response is:

"status": 400,
"message": "Malformed request",
"additional_error": ""


  • You are sending an incorrect body with POST.

    //This line will not serialize HashMap to JSON, but call toString()
    .body("{\"customer\":" +postContent+ "}")

    As a result your payload will look this way:


    which is not a valid JSON. Try this:

    Map<String, String> emailContent = new HashMap<>();
    emailContent.put("email", "");
    Map<String, Object> postContent = new HashMap<>();
    postContent.put("customer", emailContent);
    postContent.put("password", "password");
        .header("Authorization", "Bearer "+srtToken)