I have a JSON
Here is my colModel of the jqgrid code as of now.
colModel: [
{name:'skill.rating',label:'Skill Rating', width:150,editable: true},
{name:'skill.review',label:'Skill Review', width:150,editable: true},
{name:'productivity.rating',label:'Productivity Rating',width:150,editable: true},
{name:'productivity.review',label:'Productivity Review', width:150,editable: true}]
And this is how my grid looks like now
But this grid design makes it hard for future scaling, in case there is a new category Reliability review and rating then the grid design has to be changed manually.
Instead i want to make it look in this format in the grid
Category || Rating || Review
Skill || 1 || Great
Productivity || 2 || Good
Reliability || 3 || Average
Is there a way to do this with Jqgrid without having to change the structure of the JSON object(as I have no control on the object, i only fetch it through a service)??
It is better to manipulate the jsonReader (which can be a function) rather than to change the colModel. See the Guriddo docs for detailed explanation
Try with the following code:
colModel: [
{name:'category',label:'Category', width:150,editable: true},
{name:'rating',label:'Skill Rating', width:150,editable: true},
{name:'review',label:'Skill Review', width:150,editable: true}
jsonReader : {
root : function (data) {
var ret = [];
for( var key in data) {
if($.isPlainObject(data[key])) {
var tmp = data[key];
tmp.category = key;
return ret;
Below the working code
<table id="jqGrid"></table>
<div id="jqGridPager"></div>
var mydata ={"empId" : "4444", "skill" : "rating":"1", "review":"Great"}, "productivity" : {"rating":"2","review":"Good"}, "reliability" : {"rating":"3","review":"Very Good"}};
datastr : mydata,
datatype: "jsonstring",
colModel: [
{name:'category',label:'Category', width:150,editable: true},
{name:'rating',label:'Skill Rating', width:150,editable: true},
{name:'review',label:'Skill Review', width:150,editable: true}
jsonReader : {
root : function (data) {
var ret = [];
for( var key in data) {
if($.isPlainObject(data[key])) {
var tmp = data[key];
tmp.category = key;
return ret;
viewrecords: true,
width: 780,
rowNum: 15,
//cellEdit : true,
rownumbers: true, // show row numbers
rownumWidth: 25, // the width of the row numbers columns
pager: "#jqGridPager"
Here the link to jsfiddle example datatype is jsonstring, but it it the same as json. This set is mainly for jsfiddle to work.