I am trying to consume ContextualWeb News API. The endpoint is described here:
Here is the request snippet in Python as described in RapidAPI:
response = unirest.get("https://contextualwebsearch-websearch-v1.p.rapidapi.com/api/Search/NewsSearchAPI?autoCorrect=true&pageNumber=1&pageSize=10&q=Taylor+Swift&safeSearch=false",
"X-RapidAPI-Host": "contextualwebsearch-websearch-v1.p.rapidapi.com",
"X-RapidAPI-Key": "XXXXXX"
How do I send the request and parse the response? Can you provide a complete code example for the News API?
use the python version 3.X for below code.Below is the complete example example where I am passing string Taylor Swift and parsing response...Let me know if you stuck anywhere
import requests # install from: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/
# Replace the following string value with your valid X-RapidAPI-Key.
# The query parameters: (update according to your search query)
q = "Taylor%20Swift" # the search query
pageNumber = 1 # the number of requested page
pageSize = 10 # the size of a page
autoCorrect = True # autoCorrectspelling
safeSearch = False # filter results for adult content
response = requests.get(
q, pageNumber, pageSize, autoCorrect, safeSearch),
"X-RapidAPI-Key": Your_X_RapidAPI_Key
# Get the numer of items returned
totalCount = response["totalCount"];
# Get the list of most frequent searches related to the input search query
relatedSearch = response["relatedSearch"]
# Go over each resulting item
for webPage in response["value"]:
# Get the web page metadata
url = webPage["url"]
title = webPage["title"]
description = webPage["description"]
keywords = webPage["keywords"]
provider = webPage["provider"]["name"]
datePublished = webPage["datePublished"]
# Get the web page image (if exists)
imageUrl = webPage["image"]["url"]
imageHeight = webPage["image"]["height"]
imageWidth = webPage["image"]["width"]
thumbnail = webPage["image"]["thumbnail"]
thumbnailHeight = webPage["image"]["thumbna`enter code here`ilHeight"]
# An example: Output the webpage url, title and published date:
print("Url: %s. Title: %s. Published Date:%s." % (url, title, datePublished))