I am working on a Clojure program that is in need of using 3D graphics and for that I am using Quil. The first question I have is are there alternatives using Clojure to Quil? As far as I can tell it seems like the most advanced processing library I could find.
Having asked that, my second question is using Quil (which is based on a Java framework called Processing) what is the best way to add other 3 dimensional primitives. I want to add in a Cylinder, a Cone, and a Torus. I believe my Math and Programming skills are up for the challenge but I need some help on how I should contribute.
First off, if I am to go about adding those primitives, should I add them in Processing or should I add them into Quil? I have been programming for a while but haven't contributed for a bit to open source projects. Having said that, if anyone uses Quil, if I were to use the Vertex commands such as 'begin-shape' in Clojure, would I be able to make a Cylinder with triangle vertices? It says that the shape can not work with 'translate' but would it work with 'with-translation'?
In general I looking for the best way to approach adding 3D primitives to Quil and due to the nature of the code, cannot use Clojurescript so I need to add them for Clojure. Any help is greatly appreciated.
It seems that the functions are implemented only for ClojureScript at this time due to a recent migration from a dependency that was no longer being maintained? See this commit and https://github.com/quil/quil/issues/255
Here's a ClojureScript example of a Torus.