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would the pointer returned by new(size, value) Type[0] be legal and could it be used to build an array?

The standard says, in 5.3.4[]/7

When the value of the expression in a direct-new-declarator is zero, the allocation function is called to allocate an array with no elements.

and in[]/2

The effect of dereferencing a pointer returned as a request for zero size is undefined.

But if the allocation function is user-defined and it knows it returned a valid pointer, would it still be undefined behavior to dereference it? Can the standard mandate undefined behavior of user code?

The reason I ask is yet another meaningless attempt to initialize a dynamic array of objects of non-default-constructible type. What problems does it have, besides the obvious lack of delete[] and that it can only be called with [0]? Did I even use aligned_storage correctly?

#include <type_traits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

struct T {
   int val;
   T() = delete;
   T(int i) : val(i) {}
   void* operator new[](std::size_t, std::size_t cnt, const T& t)
       typedef std::aligned_storage<sizeof(t),
                    std::alignment_of<T>::value>::type buf;
       T* ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(new buf[cnt]);
       std::uninitialized_fill_n(ptr, cnt, t);
       return ptr;

int main()
    T* a = new(100, T(7)) T[0]; // using zero is legal per 5.3.4/7

    std::cout << "a[0] = " << a[0].val << '\n' // but is this legal?
              << "a[1] = " << a[1].val << '\n'
              << "a[98] = " << a[98].val << '\n'
              << "a[99] = " << a[99].val << '\n';
    delete[] a; // free the 100 aligned_storages

test run:

also compiles and runs as expected with with MSVC++ 2010 EE


  • There's an irritating logic problem in your code:

    The new expression:

    T* a = new(100, T(7)) T[0];

    Calls T's deleted default constructor []/17. ;-(

    std::vector<T> is sure looking good about now... :-)