Search code examples

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Window'

I'm getting error

content-script.js:24 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Window': An object could not be cloned.
    at Object.t.messageJumpContext (chrome-extension://elgalmkoelokbchhkhacckoklkejnhcd/build/content-script.js:24:9921)
    at chrome-extension://elgalmkoelokbchhkhacckoklkejnhcd/build/content-script.js:24:8583

I haven't used window.postMessage any where in my code. Any idea why this happens?


  • this is an issue in Augury Chrome extension

    Prevent this extension from working with all sites by right click on the extension icon and select " When You click the extension " option from this can read and change site data sub menu