I'm trying to set up javax.Persistence in my project, and I've started to use the basic approach:
package olsa.amex.dao;
import javax.persistence.*;
public class EntityManagerGenerator {
private EntityManager currentSession;
private EntityTransaction currentTransaction;
public EntityManager openCurrentSession() {
if ((currentSession == null)||(currentSession != null && !currentSession.isOpen()))
currentSession = getSessionFactory().createEntityManager();
return currentSession;
public EntityManager openCurrentSessionwithTransaction() {
if ((currentSession == null)||(currentSession != null && !currentSession.isOpen()))
currentSession = getSessionFactory().createEntityManager();
currentTransaction = currentSession.getTransaction();
return currentSession;
public void closeCurrentSession() {
if (currentSession != null && currentSession.isOpen())
public void closeCurrentSessionwithTransaction() {
if (currentSession != null && currentSession.isOpen()) {
private static EntityManagerFactory getSessionFactory() {
EntityManagerFactory entityManager = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("JPAAmex");
return entityManager;
public EntityManager getCurrentSession() {
return currentSession;
public void setCurrentSession(EntityManager currentSession) {
this.currentSession = currentSession;
public EntityTransaction getCurrentTransaction() {
return currentTransaction;
public void setCurrentTransaction(EntityTransaction currentTransaction) {
this.currentTransaction = currentTransaction;
ViewAgentSsbDAO(for now I have only implemented findAll and findById)
package olsa.amex.dao;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;
import com.olsa.amex.entities.ViewAgentssb;
public class ViewAgentSsbDAO implements IGenericDAO<ViewAgentssb,Integer> {
private EntityManagerGenerator hibernateSessionGenerator;
public ViewAgentSsbDAO() {
this.hibernateSessionGenerator = new EntityManagerGenerator();
public EntityManagerGenerator getHibernateSessionGenerator() {
return hibernateSessionGenerator;
public void persist(ViewAgentssb entity) throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void update(ViewAgentssb entity) throws Exception {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public ViewAgentssb findById(Integer id) throws Exception{
TypedQuery<ViewAgentssb> query = hibernateSessionGenerator.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from com.olsa.amex.entities.ViewAgentssb as v where v.IDAgent = :id", ViewAgentssb.class);
query.setParameter("id", id);
ViewAgentssb view = query.getSingleResult();
return view;
public void delete(ViewAgentssb entity) throws Exception {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public List<ViewAgentssb> findAll() throws Exception{
List<ViewAgentssb> views = hibernateSessionGenerator.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from com.olsa.amex.entities.ViewAgentssb", ViewAgentssb.class).getResultList();
return views;
public void deleteAll() throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
The service class:
package olsa.amex.services;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.olsa.amex.entities.ViewAgentssb;
import olsa.amex.dao.ViewAgentSsbDAO;
public class ViewAgentSsbService implements IGenericService<ViewAgentssb,Integer> {
private ViewAgentSsbDAO viewAgentSsbDAO;
private Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ViewAgentSsbService.class);
public ViewAgentSsbService() {
this.viewAgentSsbDAO = new ViewAgentSsbDAO();
public void persist(ViewAgentssb entity) throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void update(ViewAgentssb entity) throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public ViewAgentssb findById(Integer id) throws Exception {
ViewAgentssb object = viewAgentSsbDAO.findById(id);
return object;
public void delete(ViewAgentssb entity) throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public List<ViewAgentssb> findAll() throws Exception{
logger.debug("Sto iniziando la query findAll() per l'entity + " + ViewAgentssb.class);
List<ViewAgentssb> views = viewAgentSsbDAO.findAll();
logger.debug("La query ha ritornato i seguenti risultati: + " + views.toString());
return views;
public void deleteAll() throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
the Entity:
package com.olsa.amex.entities;
import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.persistence.*;
* The persistent class for the view_agentssbs database table.
@NamedQuery(name="ViewAgentssb.findAll", query="SELECT v FROM ViewAgentssb v")
public class ViewAgentssb implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int active;
private String agencyName;
private String agentCode;
private String agentName;
private String agentPassword;
private String agentSurname;
private String agentUsername;
private int bExist;
private String buyed_visure;
private String cervedCreation;
private String cervedDisable;
private String cervedPassword;
private String cervedUsername;
private String channel_Code;
private int checkBackOffice;
private String codiceOAM;
private String company_cancelled_counter;
private String company_failed_counter;
private String company_inactive_counter;
private String countryResidence;
private String deviceID;
private String documentExpiryDate;
private String documentIssueBy;
private String documentIssuedOn;
private String documentNumber;
private String documentType;
private String email;
private int enableCrif;
private int enableVisura;
private String expr1;
private String failed_search;
private String groupAvatar;
private String groupName;
private int IDAgency;
private int IDAgent;
private int IDAreaRegion;
private int IDGroup;
private int IDSubRegion;
private byte isSimpleSignature;
private String partnerID;
private String photo;
private String pin;
private String protestPrejudical;
private String regione;
private String role;
private String socialSecurityNumber;
private String subRegion;
private String telephoneCell;
private String userActive;
private String userBOAsAgent;
private String userCreation;
private String userDisable;
private int userHasSignature;
private String userID;
private String userPasswordExpired;
private int userResetPassword;
private String userToken;
private String venueCode;
public ViewAgentssb() {
public int getActive() {
return this.active;
public void setActive(int active) {
this.active = active;
public String getAgencyName() {
return this.agencyName;
public void setAgencyName(String agencyName) {
this.agencyName = agencyName;
public String getAgentCode() {
return this.agentCode;
public void setAgentCode(String agentCode) {
this.agentCode = agentCode;
public String getAgentName() {
return this.agentName;
public void setAgentName(String agentName) {
this.agentName = agentName;
public String getAgentPassword() {
return this.agentPassword;
public void setAgentPassword(String agentPassword) {
this.agentPassword = agentPassword;
public String getAgentSurname() {
return this.agentSurname;
public void setAgentSurname(String agentSurname) {
this.agentSurname = agentSurname;
public String getAgentUsername() {
return this.agentUsername;
public void setAgentUsername(String agentUsername) {
this.agentUsername = agentUsername;
public int getBExist() {
return this.bExist;
public void setBExist(int bExist) {
this.bExist = bExist;
public String getBuyed_visure() {
return this.buyed_visure;
public void setBuyed_visure(String buyed_visure) {
this.buyed_visure = buyed_visure;
public String getCervedCreation() {
return this.cervedCreation;
public void setCervedCreation(String cervedCreation) {
this.cervedCreation = cervedCreation;
public String getCervedDisable() {
return this.cervedDisable;
public void setCervedDisable(String cervedDisable) {
this.cervedDisable = cervedDisable;
public String getCervedPassword() {
return this.cervedPassword;
public void setCervedPassword(String cervedPassword) {
this.cervedPassword = cervedPassword;
public String getCervedUsername() {
return this.cervedUsername;
public void setCervedUsername(String cervedUsername) {
this.cervedUsername = cervedUsername;
public String getChannel_Code() {
return this.channel_Code;
public void setChannel_Code(String channel_Code) {
this.channel_Code = channel_Code;
public int getCheckBackOffice() {
return this.checkBackOffice;
public void setCheckBackOffice(int checkBackOffice) {
this.checkBackOffice = checkBackOffice;
public String getCodiceOAM() {
return this.codiceOAM;
public void setCodiceOAM(String codiceOAM) {
this.codiceOAM = codiceOAM;
public String getCompany_cancelled_counter() {
return this.company_cancelled_counter;
public void setCompany_cancelled_counter(String company_cancelled_counter) {
this.company_cancelled_counter = company_cancelled_counter;
public String getCompany_failed_counter() {
return this.company_failed_counter;
public void setCompany_failed_counter(String company_failed_counter) {
this.company_failed_counter = company_failed_counter;
public String getCompany_inactive_counter() {
return this.company_inactive_counter;
public void setCompany_inactive_counter(String company_inactive_counter) {
this.company_inactive_counter = company_inactive_counter;
public String getCountryResidence() {
return this.countryResidence;
public void setCountryResidence(String countryResidence) {
this.countryResidence = countryResidence;
public String getDeviceID() {
return this.deviceID;
public void setDeviceID(String deviceID) {
this.deviceID = deviceID;
public String getDocumentExpiryDate() {
return this.documentExpiryDate;
public void setDocumentExpiryDate(String documentExpiryDate) {
this.documentExpiryDate = documentExpiryDate;
public String getDocumentIssueBy() {
return this.documentIssueBy;
public void setDocumentIssueBy(String documentIssueBy) {
this.documentIssueBy = documentIssueBy;
public String getDocumentIssuedOn() {
return this.documentIssuedOn;
public void setDocumentIssuedOn(String documentIssuedOn) {
this.documentIssuedOn = documentIssuedOn;
public String getDocumentNumber() {
return this.documentNumber;
public void setDocumentNumber(String documentNumber) {
this.documentNumber = documentNumber;
public String getDocumentType() {
return this.documentType;
public void setDocumentType(String documentType) {
this.documentType = documentType;
public String getEmail() {
return this.email;
public void setEmail(String email) {
this.email = email;
public int getEnableCrif() {
return this.enableCrif;
public void setEnableCrif(int enableCrif) {
this.enableCrif = enableCrif;
public int getEnableVisura() {
return this.enableVisura;
public void setEnableVisura(int enableVisura) {
this.enableVisura = enableVisura;
public String getExpr1() {
return this.expr1;
public void setExpr1(String expr1) {
this.expr1 = expr1;
public String getFailed_search() {
return this.failed_search;
public void setFailed_search(String failed_search) {
this.failed_search = failed_search;
public String getGroupAvatar() {
return this.groupAvatar;
public void setGroupAvatar(String groupAvatar) {
this.groupAvatar = groupAvatar;
public String getGroupName() {
return this.groupName;
public void setGroupName(String groupName) {
this.groupName = groupName;
public int getIDAgency() {
return this.IDAgency;
public void setIDAgency(int IDAgency) {
this.IDAgency = IDAgency;
public int getIDAgent() {
return this.IDAgent;
public void setIDAgent(int IDAgent) {
this.IDAgent = IDAgent;
public int getIDAreaRegion() {
return this.IDAreaRegion;
public void setIDAreaRegion(int IDAreaRegion) {
this.IDAreaRegion = IDAreaRegion;
public int getIDGroup() {
return this.IDGroup;
public void setIDGroup(int IDGroup) {
this.IDGroup = IDGroup;
public int getIDSubRegion() {
return this.IDSubRegion;
public void setIDSubRegion(int IDSubRegion) {
this.IDSubRegion = IDSubRegion;
public byte getIsSimpleSignature() {
return this.isSimpleSignature;
public void setIsSimpleSignature(byte isSimpleSignature) {
this.isSimpleSignature = isSimpleSignature;
public String getPartnerID() {
return this.partnerID;
public void setPartnerID(String partnerID) {
this.partnerID = partnerID;
public String getPhoto() {
return this.photo;
public void setPhoto(String photo) {
this.photo = photo;
public String getPin() {
return this.pin;
public void setPin(String pin) {
this.pin = pin;
public String getProtestPrejudical() {
return this.protestPrejudical;
public void setProtestPrejudical(String protestPrejudical) {
this.protestPrejudical = protestPrejudical;
public String getRegione() {
return this.regione;
public void setRegione(String regione) {
this.regione = regione;
public String getRole() {
return this.role;
public void setRole(String role) {
this.role = role;
public String getSocialSecurityNumber() {
return this.socialSecurityNumber;
public void setSocialSecurityNumber(String socialSecurityNumber) {
this.socialSecurityNumber = socialSecurityNumber;
public String getSubRegion() {
return this.subRegion;
public void setSubRegion(String subRegion) {
this.subRegion = subRegion;
public String getTelephoneCell() {
return this.telephoneCell;
public void setTelephoneCell(String telephoneCell) {
this.telephoneCell = telephoneCell;
public String getUserActive() {
return this.userActive;
public void setUserActive(String userActive) {
this.userActive = userActive;
public String getUserBOAsAgent() {
return this.userBOAsAgent;
public void setUserBOAsAgent(String userBOAsAgent) {
this.userBOAsAgent = userBOAsAgent;
public String getUserCreation() {
return this.userCreation;
public void setUserCreation(String userCreation) {
this.userCreation = userCreation;
public String getUserDisable() {
return this.userDisable;
public void setUserDisable(String userDisable) {
this.userDisable = userDisable;
public int getUserHasSignature() {
return this.userHasSignature;
public void setUserHasSignature(int userHasSignature) {
this.userHasSignature = userHasSignature;
public String getUserID() {
return this.userID;
public void setUserID(String userID) {
this.userID = userID;
public String getUserPasswordExpired() {
return this.userPasswordExpired;
public void setUserPasswordExpired(String userPasswordExpired) {
this.userPasswordExpired = userPasswordExpired;
public int getUserResetPassword() {
return this.userResetPassword;
public void setUserResetPassword(int userResetPassword) {
this.userResetPassword = userResetPassword;
public String getUserToken() {
return this.userToken;
public void setUserToken(String userToken) {
this.userToken = userToken;
public String getVenueCode() {
return this.venueCode;
public void setVenueCode(String venueCode) {
this.venueCode = venueCode;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.1" xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns /persistence" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_2_1.xsd">
<persistence-unit name="JPAAmex" transaction- type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:mysql://rmarjboss-001c.customer.olsa:3306/amex_digital_test_dev"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="user"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="*******"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"/>
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true"/>
And here's the code I used to test out everything:
try {
logger.info("Hibernate test");
ViewAgentSsbService service = new ViewAgentSsbService();
List<ViewAgentssb> entities = service.findAll();
} catch (Exception e1) {
logger.info("Failed... " + e1.getMessage());
And the query successfully starts, but it always returns an empty list, even tho there is data present in the MySQL DB.
EDIT: I know I can use the Repositories, but for now I just want to check if everything works as it should.
I found the problem, apparently it was all caused by the wrong jdbc connection string. In order to generate the entities I used the following string:
What I used in my persistence.xml is this:
In order for everything to work correctly, I had to set the correct string in my persistence.xml: