I'm new to node-red and want to parse content received from wikipedia api. I send requests to the query endpoint:
The response looks similar to this:
"query": {
"normalized": [ ... ],
"pages": {
"123456789": {
"pageid": 123456789,
"ns": 0,
"title": "title",
"revisions": [{
"parsetree": "...."
I need to parse the content of parsetree, but am unable to get the first json object of pages dynamically.
Of course I can do something like: msg.payload.query.pages.123456789.revisions[0].parsetree
But I have a lot of titles i like to query and to process.
Is there an other way to get the content of parsetree?
You can always get hold of the list of keys in an object using the Object.keys(obj)
method (doc)
So something like this should work
var pages = Object.keys(msg.payload.query.pages);
for (var i=0; i<pages.length; i++) {
var parsetree = msg.payload.query.pages[pages[i]].revisions[0].parsetree;