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PrimeNG Table body doesn't display data

I am having trouble trying to fetch data to my overlay.Where did I go wrong ?

My goal is to fetch from an user array ,data (like cId,logged hours) and display it inside my table.


<p-overlayPanel #op1 [showCloseIcon]="true" [dismissable]="false">
  <p-table [value]="day" [style]="{ width: '400px' }" [rows]="5">
    <ng-template pTemplate="header">
        <td class="headerItem">{{ wbsElement }}</td>
        <td class="headerItem">{{ saturday }}</td>
        <td class="headerItem">{{ sunday }}</td>
        <td class="headerItem">{{ total }}</td>
    <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-day>
        <td>{{ user.cId }}</td>
        <td *ngFor="let day of user.days">{{ day.hoursLogged }}</td>
        <td>{{ totalHours }}</td>

Above I've got my template that is supposed to create my overlay as shown here

  wbsElement = Constants.WBS_ELEMENT;
  saturday = Day.SATURDAY;
  sunday = Day.SUNDAY;
  monday = Day.MONDAY;
  total = Constants.TOTAL;
  user: User;
  totalHours: number = 0;

  constructor(private configService: ConfigService) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.configService.getUsers().subscribe(users => {
      this.user = users[0];

  private getTotalHours() {
    this.user.days.forEach(day => (this.totalHours += day.hoursLogged));

This is what I have inside my ts file. user accepts dummy data from the first element of users array. Here's a preview of what it receives:

      name: "test",
      cId: "akaskdasda",
      email: "",
      platformUser: "akakaksda",
      days: [
        { weekday: Day.MONDAY, hoursLogged: 5 },
        { weekday: Day.TUESDAY, hoursLogged: 8 },
        { weekday: Day.SUNDAY, hoursLogged: 5 }

Currently ,there's no error is displayed inside console that would help me find out the reason of this behaviour and the output is not desired .

As you can see inside the imgur link , the elements go outside of the table (I dont understand this behaviour). I tried removing my double bindings from table body and printing out random data to see if that would work(I've also removed [value]="day" and let-day when I did this) ,however nothing was shown.Last thing I've tried was replacing ng-template with divs (because essentially that's what they are -as far as my understanding goes) but that didnt go well either.


  • Managed to solve this by ditching p-table and using a normal table instead. Apparently , as I found here ,p-table expects an array because of [value]="user".