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SAPUI 5 - Aggregated control with two data models

I have a generic tile control that the tile get created base on number of entity available (e.g.: SCARRSet), which is normal. Then in the nested Tile content i need to show the airline logo where the image path is stored in a JSON file. My idea is to use the key in SCARRSet/Carrid to lookup the JSON file to find the image path. So the right image will be displayed for the airline.

Previously i put the image path in Url field which was fine, but that field was meant for something else. Now i want to do it properly.

<l:HorizontalLayout id="hLayout1" allowWrapping="true" content="{flight>/SCARRSet}">
<GenericTile class="sapUiTinyMarginBegin sapUiTinyMarginTop tileLayout" 
    <TileContent unit="{flight>Currcode}" footer="">
        <ImageContent src="{flight>Url}" />

The JSON file looks like following. Is there a way to iterate through each tile to lookup Key = SCARRSet/Carrid then populate imageContent src=(e.g.:"/image/AA.gif")?

  "icon": [
    "Key" : "AA",
    "Path" : "/image/AA.gif"


  • I would use a formatter function to do the lookup:

    src="{formatter: '.formatter.getIconUrl', path: 'flight>Carrid'}"

    In the formatter getIconUrl you get the Carrid as input parameter.

    For performance reasons I would also suggest to reformat the JSON once to have a hash access to the url: jsonData[carrid] returns the url.