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Extending SAP Fiori App - Adding button in the footer

I am extending hcm.emp.payslip app and need to add a button in the footer....what is the right way of doing it?..

option 1: placing a extension point as described in page 13 of this pdf.. -- it didnt work..I followed exactly the steps mentioned. or will this not work as we are inserting an extension point ourselfs and which is not supported now.?

option 2: extending UI controller hooks as described here -- I couldnt try this as the documentation is very brief and I am a beginner...Also I am not sure if we can change the view by extending controller

I am using eclipse, and installed the Tool kit plug-in, some places I saw they recommended using Web IDE, but we would like to do it using tool kit, as I am not sure if we have cloud HANA access. or is it still fine to use the UI tool kit way..

would like to suggest the right approach with detailed steps...


  • Your Option 1 is not possible(Why? Because to add button to the footer there is controllerHook not UI extension point)

    Go with Option 2 there are already extensionHooks given in all the controllers (S3.controller.js and in S3_phone.controller.js) of detail pages of the application.

    controllerHook : extHookChangeFooterButtons

    by Default SAP builds headerFooterOptions and sends that object to your extension Hook

             * @ControllerHook Modify the footer buttons
             * This hook method can be used to add and change buttons for the detail view footer
             * It is called when the decision options for the detail item are fetched successfully
             * @callback hcm.emp.payslip.view.S3_Phone~extHookChangeFooterButtons
             * @param {object} objHdrFtr-Header Footer Object
             * @return {object} objHdrFtr-Header Footer Object
            if (this.extHookChangeFooterButtons) {
                objHdrFtr = this.extHookChangeFooterButtons(objHdrFtr);

    So you in the extended controller, receive the same append:

    extHookChangeFooterButtons: function (objHdrFtr) {
        //first if the buttonsList is empty, create one. 
        //Actually in S3.controller.js buttonsList is not defined since there are no buttons
        if (!objHdrFtr.buttonList) {
            objHdrFtr.buttonList = [];
        //then create a button:
        var extendedButton = {
            sId: "EXT_BUTTON",
            sI18nBtnTxt: "SAMPLE", //make sure you add texts in respective i18n files
            bEnabled: true,
            onBtnPressed: function (evt) {
        //as you can see SAP says to return the object
        return objHdrFtr;

    Suggestion: Its very easy to do it in Web IDE. Why?

    • It takes no time SETUP.
    • Very easy to use, saves lot of time
    • Shows all controllerHooks, extension Points in UI