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MRTK RC1 Touch event from every angle of a cube

I tried to make touch event from every angle of a cube, but I can't make NearInteractionTouchable to cover whole cube. It is just cover half of my cube box collider.

I tried the touch sample from example scene, and it triggered touch event from any angle of the collider.

Scene configuration and unitypackage:

  1. Unity Version 2018.3.11f1
  2. MRTK RC1
  3. Import MRTK, create scene, add cube, add near interaction touchable
  4. Create simple script with based IMixedRealityTouchHandler to print something on Touch Started

enter image description here



  • Actually, it looks like to answer #1, I am able to make a cube that is touchable from 6 sides, using the following configuration. I am able to touch the cube from all six sides.

    enter image description here