I am trying to configure autofac using xml configuration but run into problems with locale. One of the component that I am trying to register needs double parameter which on my local system has format xxx,yyy - using comma as decimal separator. The other system that I have to use uses dot as a decimal separator. Is there a way how to force autofac to ignore locale settings and only parse numbers with dot as decimal separator?
This configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<components name="0">
<type>Geometry.SomeRule, Geometry</type>
<services name="0" type="Geometry.IValidationRule, Geometry" />
Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: 'An exception was thrown while activating IValidationRule[] -> SomeRule.'
Inner exceptions: Exception: 3,048 is not a valid value for Double.
If I use comma registration works on my device, but does not on the other.
I am able to overcome the issue by setting CurrentThread.CurrentCulture during registration and container building but it does not seems to be a correct solution to me.
It appears you've found a bug. The TypeManipulation
code that converts uses the implicit current culture rather than providing a culture. That isn't something that can be overridden.