I want to get the timespan in milliseconds by comparing two timestamps with DateTime.Now and the previous DateTime. I want to check if there is an event every 10 Milliseconds or later but the totalmilliseconds from DeltaT is like 188 or so. It is too high than I am expecting that is why I think there must be somethimg wrong. Or does everything look alright?
DateTime timestamp;
DateTime timestampAlt;
TimeSpan deltaT;
public void OnSensorChanged(SensorEvent e)
timestamp = System.DateTime.Now;
deltaT = timestamp - timestampAlt;
if (deltaT.TotalSeconds <= 0.01)
I really appreciate all of you answers but I think there is a misunderstanding (my mistake sry). So here again: Whenever the listener recognizes an event, I want to save the timestamp and compare with the timespamp of the event before. If there is a gap of more than 10 Milliseconds between the 2 events, then I do want to know more about this new event. If not, I dont even want to continue and will leave by a return.
public void OnSensorChanged(SensorEvent e)
timestamp = System.DateTime.Now;
deltaT = timestamp - timestampAlt;
//int deltaT2 = timestamp.Millisecond - timestampAlt.Millisecond;
String timestampStr = timestamp.ToString("ff");
String timestampStrA = timestampAlt.ToString("ff");
if (deltaT.TotalMilliseconds <= 10 || deltaT.TotalMilliseconds <= -10) //deltaT.Seconds <= 0.01
timestampAlt = timestamp;
newValue = e.Values[2];
//if (buffer[99] != 0.00)
// if last element of list is empty, add elements to buffer
if (buffer.Count <=99)
Ableitung(DeltaBuffer(), DeltaTime()); // if last index of list is filled, do that function
if (e.Values[2] >= 11)
lock (_syncLock)
String z2 = newValue.ToString("0.0");
//noteInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(newValue);
_sensorTextView2.Text = string.Format("Note: {0}", z2 );
You can use deltaT.TotalMilliseconds
which expresses your delta in milliseconds. Therefore your check could be rewritten as
if (deltaT.TotalMilliseconds <= 10)
10 is a value I inferred. It might not be what you need, but your question is partial. This answer addresses your particular question, however if you need to measure the duration of a task you should use the Stopwatch
class, which is designed for that purpose.