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JAX-RS Path with count regular expression

If I use the "{}" to specify the count condition in the regular expression of JAX-RS @Path, eclipse throws as error.

public Response getItems(...

The @Path annotation value '/apps/{itemId:\d{10}}' is invalid: missing '{' or '}'.

Is above JAX-RS Path not a valid path ? Is it due to eclipse JAX-RS validator problem ? If I just specify @Path("/apps/{itemId}") there is no error.


  • You can't use curly brackets inside variable when using regex in Path annotation. Use instead:

    @Path("/apps/{itemId: \\d+}")

    regex = *( nonbrace / "{" *nonbrace "}" ) ; where nonbrace is any char other than "{" and "}"

    Theoretically you can check 10 digits as you want using multiple [0-9]:

    @Path("/apps/{itemId: [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]}")