I wrote a C++ (Rcpp) function to read and fill a multidimensional matrix from a file containing only numbers. When I run it on Linux it works fine and it is pretty fast. However, the same code is much slower (by a factor of 200) on a Windows machine with the same spec. Anyone can spot the problem?
void read_ed0moins_lut_(const char *filename, float downward_irradiance_table_as_output[NBWL][NTHETAS][NO3][NTAUCLD][NALB]) {
std::ifstream infile;
float tmp;
for (int theta = 0; theta < NTHETAS; theta++) {
for (int ozone = 0; ozone < NO3; ozone++) {
for (int taucl = 0; taucl < NTAUCLD; taucl++) {
for (int albedo = 0; albedo < NALB; albedo++) {
for (int wavelength = 0; wavelength < NBWL; wavelength++) {
infile >> tmp; // This line is very slow on Windows
downward_irradiance_table_as_output[wavelength][theta][ozone][taucl][albedo] = tmp;
// Close file
Here are some ideas:
Build in Release mode (with optimization enabled, -O2
Enable ifstream
std::ifstream infile(filename);
char buffer[65536];
infile.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
Arrange your array's dimensions in the order of the loops:
so that you get row-major-order traversal, which is more cache-friendly.