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Batch path variable does not work in Windows Server 2016

we recently switched from Windows Server 2008 to 2016 and we have some tasks to delete files and folders based on batch every day.

Here is the code:

set successful="D:\TEST\logs\successful.log"
set failed="D:\TEST\logs\failed.log"
set delpath="D:\TEST\1 und 2"

echo Logged time = %time% %date% >> %successful%
echo Logged time = %time% %date% >> %failed%

echo Files deleted: >> %successful%
echo Files failed to delete: >> %failed%

forfiles -p %delpath% -m *.* -c "cmd /c del /q @path && echo @path>>%successful% || echo @path>>%failed%"
forfiles -p %delpath% -c "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S /Q @path && echo @path>>%successful% || echo @path>>%failed%"

echo. >> %successful%
echo. >> %failed%

Since server 2016 this batch does not work. Some issue with spaces in the path.

Output is:

ERROR: Invalid argument/option - 'und'.
Type "FORFILES /?" for usage.

Could there be some changes in syntax of the path? Did I miss quotation marks?


  • Here's a quick example of what I understand to be the same task, (emptying "D:\TEST\1 und 2" and logging both failed and successful actions); but using For loops instead of ForFiles commands. Please feel free to give it a try and report back as necessary.

    @Echo Off
    Set "successful=D:\TEST\logs\successful.log"
    Set "failed=D:\TEST\logs\failed.log"
    Set "delpath=D:\TEST\1 und 2"
    (Echo Logged time = %TIME% %DATE%&Echo Files deleted:)>>"%successful%"
    (Echo Logged time = %TIME% %DATE%&Echo Files failed to delete:)>>"%failed%"
    For /D %%A In ("%delpath%\*")Do RD /S/Q "%%A" 2>Nul&&(>>"%successful%" Echo %%A)||>>"%failed%" Echo %%A
    For %%A In ("%delpath%\*")Do Del "%%A" 2>Nul&&(>>"%successful%" Echo %%A)||>>"%failed%" Echo %%A