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Localization in Identity Server

I added the shared localization in Identity Server 4 Core 2.2 ( is working.

Now, how can I pass the culture and iu-culture parameters to my IdendityServer with the OidClient LoginAsync() in the native app?

            var options = new OidcClientOptions
                Authority = "",
                ClientId = "hybrid",
                ClientSecret = "secret",

                Scope = "openid profile api offline_access",
                ResponseMode = OidcClientOptions.AuthorizeResponseMode.Redirect,

                RedirectUri = "myscheme://signin-oidc",
                PostLogoutRedirectUri = "myscheme://signout-callback-oidc",

                Browser = new PlatformWebView()

            _client = new OidcClient(options); 

            var result = await _client.LoginAsync(new LoginRequest());

Thank you.


  • One option is to add support for the OIDC optional parameter called ui_locales. Damien Bod has a post on this as well: identityserver4-localization-using-ui_locales-and-the-query-string

    To pass the ui_locales from your client to the identityserver you can use FrontChannelExtraParameters property of the LoginRequest.

    Parameters added to the FrontChannelExtraParameters of the LoginRequest will be added to the end of the authorize URL.

    If you change the last line of your code to this:

    var result = await _client.LoginAsync(
        new LoginRequest{ FrontChannelExtraParameters = new { ui_locales = "en-US" }} );

    The authorize request should look something like this:
