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Is there a difference in expressiveness of thunk or pair based deferred types?

Given are two types that both represent deferred computations:

const deferThunk = thunk =>
  ({run: thunk});

const deferPair = (f, args) =>
  ({run: [f, args]});
const tap = f => x => (f(x), x);

const log = console.log;

const tx = deferThunk(
  () => tap(log) ("thunk based" + " " + "deferred computations"));

const ty = deferPair(
  ([x, y, z]) => tap(log) (x + y + z), ["pair based", " ", "deferred computations"]);

log("nothing happened yet...");[0] ([1]);

An important difference seems to be that deferThunk leans towards a monad, whereas deferPair towards a comonad. I tend to prefer deferPair, because thunk execution is expensive in Javascript. However, I am not sure about possible downsides.


  • Is there a difference in expressiveness of thunk or pair based deferred types?

    No, there is no difference in expressiveness. Every function together with its arguments (i.e., a closure) is equivalent to a thunk, and every thunk is equivalent to a closure which accepts the unit type as input:

    {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
    import Control.Comonad
    newtype Thunk a = Thunk { runThunk :: () -> a }
    data Closure a = forall b. Closure (b -> a) b
    runClosure :: Closure a -> a
    runClosure (Closure f x) = f x
    toThunk :: Closure a -> Thunk a
    toThunk (Closure f x) = Thunk (\() -> f x)
    toClosure :: Thunk a -> Closure a
    toClosure (Thunk f) = Closure f ()

    An important difference seems to be that deferThunk leans towards a monad, whereas deferPair towards a comonad.

    No, they are equivalent. Both Thunk and Closure have instances of Monad and Comonad:

    instance Functor Thunk where
        fmap f (Thunk g) = Thunk (f . g)
    instance Applicative Thunk where
        pure = Thunk . pure
        Thunk f <*> Thunk g = Thunk (f <*> g)
    instance Monad Thunk where
        Thunk f >>= g = g (f ())
    instance Comonad Thunk where
        extract (Thunk f) = f ()
        duplicate = pure
    instance Functor Closure where
        fmap f (Closure g x) = Closure (f . g) x
    instance Applicative Closure where
        pure a = Closure (pure a) ()
        Closure f x <*> Closure g y = Closure (\(x, y) -> f x (g y)) (x, y)
    instance Monad Closure where
        Closure f x >>= g = Closure (runClosure . g . f) x
    instance Comonad Closure where
        extract = runClosure
        duplicate = pure

    I tend to prefer deferPair, because thunk execution is expensive in Javascript.

    Who said so? My benchmark shows that thunk execution is faster than closure execution:

    const thunk = () => 2 + 3;
    const closureFunction = (x, y) => x + y;
    const closureArguments = [2, 3];
    const expected = 5;
    const iterations = 10000000;
    console.time("Thunk Execution");
    for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
        const actual = thunk();
        console.assert(actual, expected);
    console.timeEnd("Thunk Execution");
    console.time("Closure Execution");
    for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
        const actual = closureFunction(...closureArguments);
        console.assert(actual, expected);
    console.timeEnd("Closure Execution");

    I can't follow your distinction between thunk and closure.

    A thunk, in a strict language like JavaScript, is any function of the type () -> a. For example, the function () => 2 + 3 has the type () -> Number. Hence, it's a thunk. A thunk reifies lazy evaluation by deferring a computation until the thunk is called.

    A closure is any pair of two elements where the first element is a function of the type b -> a and the second element is a value of the type b. Therefore, the pair has the type (b -> a, b). For example, the pair [(x, y) => x + y, [2, 3]] has the type ((Number, Number) -> Number, (Number, Number)). Hence, it's a closure.

    A thunk can have free dependencies too.

    I'm going to assume that you meant free variables. Sure, a thunk can have free variables. For example, () => x + 3, where x = 2 in the lexical context, is a perfectly valid thunk. Similarly, closures can also have free variables. For example, [y => x + y, [3]], where x = 2 in the lexical context, is a perfectly valid closure.

    I also didn't claim that there was no comonad instance for thunk.

    You said that “deferThunk leans towards a monad, whereas deferPair towards a comonad.” The phrase “leans towards” makes no sense. Either deferThunk returns a monad, or it doesn't. Similarly for deferPair and comonads. Hence, I assumed that you meant to say that deferThunk returns a monad (but not a comonad) and vice versa for deferPair.

    Thunk doesn't have a context, so it is a bit weird to construct a comonad, right?

    Why do you think that a thunk can't have a context? You said it yourself that “a thunk can have free dependencies too.” Also, no it's not weird to construct a comonad instance for thunks. What makes you think it's weird?

    Additionally, you use existentials to avoid the b on the LHS. I don't fully understand this, but it isn't compliant with my code, which uses a plain pair. And a pair gives context, hence the comonad instance.

    I use a plain pair too. Translating the Haskell code into JavaScript:

    // Closure :: (b -> a, b) -> Closure a
    const Closure = (f, x) => [f, x]; // constructing a plain pair
    // runClosure :: Closure a -> a
    const runClosure = ([f, x]) => f(x); // pattern matching on a plain pair

    Existential quantification is only required to make the types check. Consider the Applicative instance of Closure:

    instance Applicative Closure where
        pure a = Closure (pure a) ()
        Closure f x <*> Closure g y = Closure (\(x, y) -> f x (g y)) (x, y)

    Because we used existential quantification, we can write the following code:

    replicateThrice :: Closure (a -> [a])
    replicateThrice = Closure replicate 3
    laugh :: Closure String
    laugh = Closure reverse "ah"
    laughter :: Closure [String]
    laughter = replicateThrice <*> laugh
    main :: IO ()
    main = print (runClosure laughter) -- ["ha", "ha", "ha"]

    If we didn't use existential quantification then our code wouldn't type check:

    data Closure b a = Closure (b -> a) b
    runClosure :: Closure b a -> a
    runClosure (Closure f x) = f x -- this works
    instance Functor (Closure b) where
        fmap f (Closure g x) = Closure (f . g) x -- this works too
    instance Applicative (Closure b) where
        pure a = Closure (pure a) () -- but this doesn't work
        -- Expected pure :: a -> Closure b a
        -- Actual   pure :: a -> Closure () a
        pure a = Closure (pure a) undefined -- hack to make it work
        -- and this doesn't work either
        Closure f x <*> Closure g y = Closure (\(x, y) -> f x (g y)) (x, y)
        -- Expected (<*>) :: Closure b (a -> c) -> Closure b a -> Closure b c
        -- Actual   (<*>) :: Closure b (a -> c) -> Closure b a -> Closure (b, b) c
        -- hack to make it work
        Closure f x <*> Closure g y = Closure (\x -> f x (g y)) x

    Even though we can somehow get the Applicative instance to type check, it's not a correct implementation. Hence, the following program still won't type check:

    replicateThrice :: Closure Int (a -> [a])
    replicateThrice = Closure replicate 3
    laugh :: Closure String String
    laugh = Closure reverse "ah"
    laughter :: Closure Int [String]
    laughter = replicateThrice <*> laugh -- this doesn't work
    -- Expected laugh :: Closure Int String
    -- Actual   laugh :: Closure String String

    As you can see, we want (<*>) to have the type:

    (<*>) :: Closure b (a -> c) -> Closure d a -> Closure (b, d) c

    If we had such a function then we could write:

    replicateThrice :: Closure Int (a -> [a])
    replicateThrice = Closure replicate 3
    laugh :: Closure String String
    laugh = Closure reverse "ah"
    laughter :: Closure (Int, String) [String]
    laughter = replicateThrice <*> laugh
    main :: IO ()
    main = print (runClosure laughter) -- ["ha", "ha", "ha"]

    Because we can't do this, we use existential quantification to hide the type variable b. Hence:

    (<*>) :: Closure (a -> b) -> Closure a -> Closure b

    Furthermore, using existential quantification enforces the constraint that given Closure f x we can only use f and x by applying f to x. For example, without existential quantification we could do this:

    replicateThrice :: Closure Int (a -> [a])
    replicateThrice = Closure replicate 3
    useReplicateThrice :: a -> [a]
    -- we shouldn't be allowed to do this
    useReplicateThrice = let (Closure f x) = replicateThrice in f 2
    main :: IO ()
    main = print (useReplicateThrice "ha") -- ["ha", "ha"]

    However, with existential quantification the above program wouldn't type check. We would only be allowed to apply f to x, which is how a closure ought to be used.