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Morrisjs chart not displaying properly

i'm trying to generate a chart using Marrisjs which i have done a few times before with no issue. However for some reason this one is proving to be very annoying! Any ideas where i'm going wrong?

<h4 class="card-title">Pedigree Chart</h4>
<div id="morris-line-chart"></div>
$(function () {
    "use strict";
        element: 'morris-line-chart'
        , resize: true
        , data: [
            {y: 'April',pedigrees_added: 1},
            {y: 'March',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: 'February',pedigrees_added: 3},
            {y: 'January',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: 'December',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: 'November',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: 'October',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: 'September',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: 'August',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: 'July',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: 'June',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: 'May',pedigrees_added: 0},]
        , xkey: 'y'
        , ykeys: ['pedigrees_added']
        , labels: ['New added']
        , gridLineColor: '#eef0f2'
        , lineColors: ['#009efb']
        , lineWidth: 1
        , hideHover: 'auto'

The problem is the information doesn't seem to be displaying properly. i'm guessing there is a syntax error somewhere.

enter image description here


  • this library only works with dates x-axis. ( change yor data like that:

      data: [
            {y: '2019-04',pedigrees_added: 1},
            {y: '2019-03',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: '2019-02',pedigrees_added: 3},
            {y: '2019-01',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: '2018-12',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: '2018-11',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: '2018-10',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: '2018-09',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: '2018-08',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: '2018-07',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: '2018-06',pedigrees_added: 0},
            {y: '2018-05',pedigrees_added: 0}]