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Having trouble initializing bgfx (with an sdl2 window)

I'm attempting to create a window using SDL2 and initialize BGFX to use it. My current test is just to set the window to purple using a clear color.

I tried creating a window using CreateWindowEx as well, and was also unable to update the window with the clear color I specified in my call to bgfx::setViewClear. I've been scouring open source projects as well as the docs and samples, and I can't figure out what step of bgfx initialization/update I could be missing. Please help! I've attached my current approach as a small test main.

int main(int, char**) {

    const int width = 800;
    const int height = 600;

    SDL_Window* window = nullptr;
    HWND nativeWindow;

    // sdl2
        window = SDL_CreateWindow(
            width, height,

        SDL_SysWMinfo windowManInfo;
        if (SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(window, &windowManInfo)) {
            nativeWindow =;

    // bgfx
        bgfx::PlatformData platformData;
        platformData.ndt = nullptr;
        platformData.nwh = nativeWindow;

        // prevent creation of a renderer thread

        bgfx::Init init;
        init.type = bgfx::RendererType::Count;
        init.resolution.width = width;
        init.resolution.height = height;
        init.resolution.reset = BGFX_RESET_VSYNC;

        bgfx::setViewClear(0, BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR | BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH, 0x443355FF /*purple*/, 1.f, 0);

    while (1) {
        // sdl events
            SDL_Event _event;
            while (SDL_PollEvent(&_event) > 0);



    return 0;


  • After asking around work/etc.. I finally got a solution, and there were actually a couple of things that I was missing.

    1. Because I wasn't adding any render work to the frame, bgfx is 'smart' and doesn't actually do anything. Adding a call to bgfx::touch will add an empty primitve for rendering. After I added this I could see a small dot in the top-left of my window, which leads to the other call I was missing.

    2. I never set my view! I was also only rendering to one pixel of my window. By adding a call to bgfx::setViewRect I was able to set a size for my window view and the clear color finally took.