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Problem with the use of Binary Map Data Structure in SML

I want to create an ordered map with multiples nodes in SML . All i have found until now , exist here : . So , i am trying something like this :

structure S = BinaryMapFn(struct
    type ord_key = int
    val compare =

and then , i am trying to insert for example 2 nodes with value 0 and key values 1 and 2 , respectively :


output:val it = T {cnt=1,key=2,left=E,right=E,value=0} : int


output:val it = 1 : int

So, i am assuming by the output of numItems that it creates 2 binary maps with 1 node each and not a single one . I am pretty sure i am missing something , but there is not enough material and examples related to that structure .


  • The thing to look at is the type of the insert function, as well as empty in the signature ORD_MAP to which BinaryMapFn conforms.

    val empty : 'a map 
    val insert : ('a map * Key.ord_key * 'a) -> 'a map 

    So, insert takes a (fromMap, key, x) and returns a new map which contains the elements of fromMap with x/key added as well with duplicate keys handled in some fashion.

    To get a map with 2 elements, rather than using S.empty in both calls, you need to pass the return value of the first call as a parameter to the second.

    note: It is worth noting that the smlnj-lib documentation is very old, and out of date, but i'm unaware of a newer link, so it is best to consult the source.