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What is actually happening inside List.nth in SML?

Could somebody help me understand List.nth in SML?

It outputs a specified element from the list. a)

List.nth ([7,3,6,1],0);
val it = 7 : int 


List.nth ([7,3,6,1],1);
val it = 3 : int 

For example:

  1. Implementation of map function using recursion would be:

fun map _ nil = nil | map f (a::b) = (f a) :: (map f b);

  1. Implementation of foldr function using recursion would be:

fun foldr _ c nil = c | foldr f c (a::b) = f(a, foldr f c b);

Likewise, what is actually happening inside List.nth.


  • A simple implementation of List.nth would be something like the following, using pattern-matching, and the option type to handle out of bounds errors.

    fun nth([], _) = NONE
      | nth(x::_, 0) = SOME x
      | nth(x::xs, i) = nth(xs, i - 1)
    • It doesn't matter what index we're looking for in an empty list. It's not there.

    • If the index is 0, return the first element in the list. It doesn't matter what the rest of the list is.

    • Otherwise, call nth on the rest of the list and decrease the index by 1.

    So if we call nth([3, 7, 4, 1, 8], 3) the recursion looks like:

    nth([3, 7, 4, 1, 8], 3)
    nth([7, 4, 1, 8], 2)
    nth([4, 1, 8], 1)
    nth([1, 8], 0)
    SOME 1