I'm trying to solve this CodeWars challenge:
Complete the solution so that it strips all text that follows any of a set of comment markers passed in. Any whitespace at the end of the line should also be stripped out.
Given an input string of:
apples, pears # and bananas grapes bananas !apples
The output expected would be:
apples, pears grapes bananas
So far I've tried:
function solution(input, markers) {
let string = input.split();
let newString = " ";
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
let words = string[i];
if (words.includes(markers || "/n")) {
//go to the next line and keep building newString
newString += words;
return newString.toString();
And this is returning apples,pears#andbananas/ngrapes/nbananas!apples
because, as you can see, I don't know how to create a new line in the string when one of the markers is present, or when /n
is present.
I've tried
if (words.includes(markers || "/n")) {
//go to the next line and keep building newString
newString += "\n";
if (words.includes(markers || "/n")) {
//go to the next line and keep building newString
words + "\n";
but neither of these are having any effect.
Sites that have coding challenges often have levels (like CodeWars). In this case I would suggest to stick a bit longer with the easier levels until you are really fluent in solving them.
Also check the solutions that others have submitted: a lot can be learned from that.
I say this because there are so many things wrong in your code, that it seems you will benefit more from covering easier levels a bit longer, than from just grabbing a solution here and posting it.
Some comments on your code:
with a space. That is a wrong start. That space is not warranted to be there. You should only take characters from the input. It should be an empty string."/n"
, but "\n"
converts a string to an array of characters. If your aim was to make it possible to access characters through indexing, then realise that you can do so with a string as well: input[i]
gives you the character at that offset.string
is not very helpful. Nor is words
, when actually it holds one character. So character
would be a better choice. includes
expects a string as argument, but you pass markers
. The || "/n"
has no additional value, because markers
is a truthy value and so ||
will stop right there (short-circuit evaluation). And as markers
is an array, not a string, includes
converts that value into a comma-separated string. Obviously that string is very unlikely to occur in your input. You need to test for each marker character individually, and also check for the newline character. if
statement is empty (in your main attempt). This cannot be useful. Maybe you were looking for continue;
which will skip the rest of the loop and continue with the next iteration of it.newString
is a string, so there is no need to call newString.toString();
Trying to stay with your idea, here is your code corrected:
function solution(input, markers) {
let newString = "";
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
let character = input[i];
if (markers.includes(character)) {
// move i to just before the end of the current line
i = input.indexOf("\n", i)-1;
// Remove the white space that we already added at the end
newString = newString.trimRight();
// If no newline character at end of last line: break
if (i < 0) break;
// Skip rest of this iteration
newString += input[i];
return newString;
But there are easier ways to do this. For instance, by splitting your input into lines first.
Here is the solution I posted:
const solution = (input, markers) =>
input.split("\n").map(line =>
markers.reduce((line, marker) =>
line.split(marker, 1)[0].trimRight(), line)).join("\n");