I've been trying to get iBatis to return a list of POJOs like on this link:
All I'm getting in return is a list of Map instances. Is there something I might be missing that usually baffles people learning this framework?
P.S: Not in front of my home pc right now. Will be happy to give additional info when I get back.
FWIW, I think iBatis has a steep learning curve but becomes very useful once you get over the hump.
These two methods and two files might be of help.
SqlSessionFactory: gets resource files and sets up the environment
SqlSession: opens a session (based on SqlSessionFactory)
Mapper: generated (or hand-built) Interface file to map the DB table to java. Helps CRUD by example.
Example: generated (or hand-built) java file to complete the Where clause for any column
The sqlMapper.queryForList("selectAllAccounts");
will look at the <select id="selectAllAccounts" resultMap="AccountResult">
in the Account.xml file.
Are you getting the same results or different from the util.checkData
call and the iBatis call?