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How to reset the scrollHeight values on DOM elements retrieved using ClientFunction

I have TestCafe running in two separate test classes, in two separate fixtures, in two separate tests, testing two different app pages.

I notice when I interrogate the window.document object through the ClientFunction in these tests, depending on the running order, I get differing values.

e.g. mytest1.js

import { Selector, ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';

  fixture `Homepage`
    .page ``;

  test('Test 1', async t => {

    const getBodyHeight = ClientFunction(() => window.document.body.scrollHeight);
    console.log(await getBodyHeight()) // 800px



import { Selector, ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';

  fixture `Dashboard`
    .page ``;

  test('Test 2', async t => {

    const getBodyHeight = ClientFunction(() => window.document.body.scrollHeight);
    console.log(await getBodyHeight()) // 1200px


If I run these using npm run testcafe -- firefox:headless mytest*.js and the order is smaller height to larger height, the console will log:


However if I run these the opposite way (larger height to smaller height), I get:


It is as if the document.body is stretched to a max value and doesn't return.

Is there a way using the ClientFunction(..) or possibly some other means to reset these values correctly?


  • This test scenario with ClientFunction(() => window.document.body.scrollHeight) looks correct. I prepared a small example and I can't reproduce this behavior. Does the following example work as expected on your side?






    import { Selector, ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';
    fixture `My Fixture`
        .page `./index1.html`;
    test('test 1', async (t) => {
        const getBodyHeight = ClientFunction(() => window.document.body.scrollHeight);
        console.log('test 1 body.scrollHeight', await getBodyHeight());


    import { Selector, ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';
    fixture `My Fixture`
        .page `./index2.html`;
    test('test 2', async (t) => {
        const getBodyHeight = ClientFunction(() => window.document.body.scrollHeight);
        console.log('test 2 body.scrollHeight', await getBodyHeight());


    1. testcafe "firefox:headless" tests/test1.js tests/test2.js
     My Fixture
    test 1 body.scrollHeight 932
     √ test 1
     My Fixture
    test 2 body.scrollHeight 1762
     √ test 2
     2 passed (0s)
    1. testcafe "firefox:headless" tests/test2.js tests/test1.js
     My Fixture
    test 2 body.scrollHeight 1762
     √ test 2
     My Fixture
    test 1 body.scrollHeight 932
     √ test 1
     2 passed (0s)

    See also: ClientFunction Object