I am writing Integration Tests for controllers using RestTemplate, so far I have been able to call most , however haven't been able to tackle this particular parameter combination.
I know how to deal with headers, GET or PUT parameters, but multiple String is sole one that have yet to figure. Dunno if @Annotations make difference.
@RequestMapping(value="/getBook", method = GET)
public @ResponseBody
GetBookResponse getBook(@RequestParam("isbnID") String isbnID, @RequestParam(required=false) Double price, @RequestHeader(required=false) String publisher)
and how this would work in the case for POST
Normally I use ResponseEntity to get response but been stuck pn how to prep it.
Typically we create a new HttpRequest and add the request parameters to it and submit your HttpRequest with all its corresponding parameters in your post. I don't know how to implement it with the framework you are using though. I've written tests for controllers and this is how I did it. GET request usually has just one parameter in the url so you don't really have to add request parameters but POST should have request parameters set to the httpRequest.