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Unable to use JConsole with Tomcat running as windows service

I am running tomcat 6.0.18 as a windows service. In the service applet the jvm is configured default, i.e. it is using jvm.dll of the JRE.

I am trying to monitor this application with JConsole but cannot connect to it locally. I added the parameter (which works when starting tomcat with the start.bat script). But the jvm does not seem to pick up the parameter.


  • There's a nice GUI to edit the options, no need to muck around in the registry.

    Open up the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin\tomcat6.exe (or just double-click on the monitor icon in the task bar). Go to the Java pane, add the following to the list of arguments, and restart Tomcat.

    Then you can connect with JConsole or the newer VisualVM.