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How spring boot create jar file in target without having plugin in pom

I am reading spring-boot doc and there they said that

To create an executable jar we need to add the spring-boot-maven-plugin to our pom.xml. Insert the following lines just below the dependencies section


Following are my main pom which includes other module



        <!-- joda time -->

following is the db


    <!-- spring data jpa -->

    <!-- hibernate -->

following is web



I have created multi-module project. I am using spring boot parent. In any of my modules pom I do not have above plugin but still it create jar file in target folder after I run following command on web module as base directory

mvn clean install spring-boot:run

I am missing any thing to understand. Please do comment.


  • Maven uses maven-jar-plugin to build a non executable jar file and spring-boot-maven-plugin is used to create an executable jar.

    In you case even though you do not specify the spring-boot-maven-plugin, the maven-jar-plugin will create the jar file.

    You can check this when you do a mvn install and see the build logs.