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Force JSON-B to write Numbers as Strings when generating JSON

I'm dealing with large numbers in my Java code and because of the limitations of JavaScript (namely the 32-bit support of Integers), I need to write those numbers as Strings in the JSON returned by my application.

Is there a global configuration or annotation that will allow me to do this? I'd like to avoid writing custom serializers/adapters if possible.

I am using RestEasy with the new JSON-B/Yasson support.


  • The only way I can think of is using an adapter like this:

    import javax.json.bind.adapter.JsonbAdapter;
    public class AdapterIntegerToString implements JsonbAdapter<Integer, String> {
        public String adaptToJson(Integer obj) throws Exception {
            return String.valueOf(obj);
        public Integer adaptFromJson(String obj) throws Exception {
            return Integer.parseInt(obj);

    And then annotated your property with:

    private Integer age;

    Any other Integer no annotated will be treated as it is by default.