I just started using JqGrid. I have this configuration that loads data correctly into the table and also when changing the pages the page numbers change, when I change how many recors I want to show also that is working, but the problem is when I change the page, the records in the table are not changing. I am using angularjs and JqGrid and JADE. The data is loaded before from the server so i'm not loading it again. Here is the configuration the grid controller code:
/*global appModule, JSON */
"use strict";
(appModule.lazy || appModule).service("GridControlesTecnicosSrv", ["$filter", "$translate", "$timeout",
function($filter, $translate, $timeout) {
function emptyFormatter(val) {
if (val === undefined || val === null || val === "" || (angular.isString(val) && val.trim() === "")) {
return "-";
} else {
return $filter("uppercase")(val);
function getOptions(refrescar, modDCT) {
return {
colModel: [{
label: $translate("EmisionHogar.ModalControlesTecnicos.Codigo"),
name: "codigo",
index: "codigo",
width: "50",
sortable: false,
formatter: emptyFormatter
}, {
label: $translate("EmisionHogar.ModalControlesTecnicos.Tipo"),
name: "tipo",
index: "tipo",
width: "150",
sortable: false,
formatter: emptyFormatter
}, {
label: $translate("EmisionHogar.ModalControlesTecnicos.Descripcion"),
name: "descripcion",
index: "descripcion",
width: "300",
sortable: false,
formatter: emptyFormatter
viewrecords: true,
rowNum: 5,
rowList: [5, 10, 15],
autoencode: true,
loadonce: true,
refresh: true,
datatype: function(postdata) {
if (modDCT.reloadGrid) {
modDCT.reloadGrid = false;
var jsonData = {
page: modDCT.paginacion.page || 1,
total: Math.ceil((modDCT.controlesTecnicos.length || 0) / (modDCT.paginacion.pageSize || 10)) || 1,
records: modDCT.controlesTecnicos.length || 0,
rows: modDCT.controlesTecnicos || []
autowidth: true,
scrollerbar: true,
height: "auto",
shrinkToFit: false,
emptyRecords: $translate("ControlesTecnicos.sinResultados"),
pagerpos: "left",
pgtext: "<span>{0}/{1}</span>",
onSortCol: function() {
$timeout(function() {
onPaging: function() {
$timeout(function() {
gridComplete: function() {
var firstPager = angular.element("#first_grid_pager_controlestecnicos")
if (firstPager && firstPager.length > 0) {
return {
getOptions: getOptions
this is the controller that control the pagination and initializes the table.
/*global appModule */
"use strict";
(appModule.lazy || appModule).controller("DetalleControlesTecnicos", ["$scope", "GridControlesTecnicosSrv", "$modalInstance", "$translate", "datosModal", "$rootScope",
function($scope, GridControlesTecnicosSrv, $modalInstance, $translate, datosModal, $rootScope) {
var modDCT = this;
datosModal = datosModal || {};
modDCT.controlesTecnicos = datosModal.controlesTecnicos;
function Cancelar() {
function updateDatosPaginacion(newPag, oldPag) {
if (angular.isObject(newPag) && angular.isObject(oldPag)) {
modDCT.paginacion = angular.copy(newPag);
var grid = angular.element("#gridControlesTecnicos");
if (newPag.page !== oldPag.page) {
grid.setGridParam("page", newPag.page);
if (newPag.pageSize !== oldPag.pageSize) {
grid.setGridParam("rowNum", newPag.pageSize);
modDCT.reloadGrid = true;
function refrescar() {
var grid = angular.element("#gridControlesTecnicos");
var rowNum = grid.getGridParam("rowNum");
var page = grid.getGridParam("page");
modDCT.paginacion.page = Number(page);
modDCT.paginacion.pageSize = Number(rowNum);
modDCT.reloadGrid = true;
function onInit() {
modDCT.titulo = $translate("EmisionHogar.ModalControlesTecnicos.Titulo");
modDCT.buttonCancelar = datosModal.buttonCancelar || $translate("EmisionHogar.ModalControlesTecnicos.ControlesTecnicosButtonCancelar");
modDCT.close = Cancelar;
modDCT.paginacion = {
pageSize: 5,
page: 1
modDCT.grid = {
model: undefined,
data: [],
options: GridControlesTecnicosSrv.getOptions(refrescar, modDCT)
modDCT.reloadGrid = true;
$scope.$watch("modDCT.paginacion", updateDatosPaginacion, true);
This image shows the table and page numbers working.
is it a problem with grid options or what?
I changed
modDCT.grid = {
model: undefined,
data: [],
options: GridControlesTecnicosSrv.getOptions(refrescar, modDCT)
modDCT.grid = {
model: undefined,
data: modDCT.controlesTecnicos,
options: GridControlesTecnicosSrv.getOptions(refrescar, modDCT)
also I changed in the getOptions method the
datatype: 'jsonstring',
and I removed datastr