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org.hibernate.InstantiationException: No default constructor for entity: com.domaine.AnomalieAck

I am trying to persist an enum Value into the database, but an instantiation exception is triggered, here is my mapping :

public class Anomalie {

    private AnomalieAck ack = AnomalieAck.NON_ACQUITTEE;

    public Anomalie() {
/*getters and setters*/


public enum AnomalieAck {




    /** Aacquittee en erreur. */

    @Column(name = "ANO_ACK")
    private int ack = 0;

  private AnomalieAck() {


  private AnomalieAck(final int value) {
    this.ack = value;
  public int getValue() {
        return this.ack;
  public void setAck(int ack) {
        this.ack = ack;

The reason why I didn't use the @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) or @Enumerated(EnumType.ORDINAL) is that in the database the field ANO_ACK is declared as the number and there are a lot of other resources that use this value as Number.

I have checked everything: the no-args constructor is already defined, the setter method is implemented.

What can I do to let Hibernate instantiate this class?


  • Do not embed an enum.

    What you need here is a custom converter:


    public class AnomalieAckConverter implements AttributeConverter<AnomalieAck , Integer> {
     public String convertToDatabaseColumn(AnomalieAck  anomalieAck ) {
       return anomalieAck.getValue();
     public AnomalieAck convertToEntityAttribute(Integer ack) {
        retrun AnomalieAck.getByValue(ack);


    @Convert(converter = AnomalieAckConverter.class)
    private AnomalieAck ack;