I have an object that looks like this:
var someUglyObject =
"1-1" : {foo1: "foo1-1Value", bar1: "bar1-1value"},
"1-2" : {foo2: "foo1-2Value", bar2: "bar1-2value"},
"2-1" : {foo2: "foo2-1Value", bar2: "bar2-1value"},
"2-2" : {foo2: "foo2-2Value", bar2: "bar2-2value"}
I need to simplify the nested object above and convert into a simpler object after some processing (concatenation) like below:
var myObj = {
"1": { propsTogether : "foo1-1Valuebar1-1valuefoo1-2Valuebar1-2value"},
"2": { propsTogether : "foo2-1Valuebar2-1valuefoo2-2Valuebar2-2value" }
My plan is to interate through the keys like this, but not sure how to group the props together based on the first char of the key , i.e. for a key with value of '2-1' - 2 should be the new key.
var myObj= {};
Object.keys(someUglyObject).forEach(function(key) {
You can use Object.keys
and reudce
Here idea is
and use first element
as key on op
object.var obj = {'1-1' : {foo1: "foo1-1Value", bar1: "bar1-1value"},'1-2' : {foo2: "foo1-2Value", bar2: "bar1-2value"},'2-1' : {foo2: "foo2-1Value", bar2: "bar2-1value"},'2-2' : {foo2: "foo2-2Value", bar2: "bar2-2value"}}
let op = Object.keys(obj).sort().reduce((op,inp)=>{
let key = inp.split('-',1)[0]
op[key] = op[key] || {props:''}
op[key].props = op[key].props + Object.values(obj[inp]).join('')
return op