I am making a report in which I am passing it as a string parameter, to be able to define some text box of a table with the = Format (Fields! Field.Value, "#.## 0,00"), but not achievement get that format. Probe exchanging the separators, both thousands and decimals ("#, ## 0.00") and it ends up showing me the previously searched format, that is, the point as a thousand separator and the comma as a decimal separator. What is happening to me? When I define it "#. ## 0.00" do not type it and when I define it "#, ## 0.00" I type it but changing the separators (Ex: "1,298.57") ??
Both the report and the text box have already defined the "es-AR" language, which corresponds to the thousands separator with the period and the decimal separator with the comma.
I upload the answer since I did not take into account the Microsoft documentation. It implicitly indicates that the function expression "= Format" (Custom format) will only interpret the "en-US" format for decimal and thousands separators; and then apply the regional configuration from where it was executed from behind. I leave the Links: