Search code examples

Nested elasticsearch GET requests through node-red

I have elasticsearch 6.7 running on a CentOs 7 machine, and I have node-red running from where I try to query the elastic search.

Using the httprequest node (in node-red) works great when I need to POST data to server, or when I need to perform simple GET _search queries where I can simply send parameters in the url, such as :{{{size}}}&from={{{from}}}&q=sensor:temp

with a simple flow: node-red GET flow

As described in this question.

But if I need more complex queries that have nested parameters I cannot perform it with parameters through the url. For example how would I make this cURL GET with the httprequest node in node-red:

 curl -XGET "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
   "size": 0,
   "query": {
   "aggs": {
     "status_terms": {
       "terms": {
         "field": "device.keyword"
       "aggs": {
         "status_stats": {
           "stats": {
             "field": "value"


  • Note that you can send the whole body in the query string as a parameters.

    It would look like this:

    curl -XGET '{"size":0,"query":{"range":{"created":{"gte":"2019-03-11","lte":"2019-03-12"}}},"aggs":{"status_terms":{"terms":{"field":"device.keyword"},"aggs":{"status_stats":{"stats":{"field":"value"}}}}}}'