I have written some code in Java using the GeoTools (v.22) library that opens a shapefile, takes all the polygons in it and divides them in different FeatureCollections based on a value associated to each; it then creates a layer for every FeatureCollection and adds it to a map, resulting in all the polygons each divided from the others by a black stroke.
how can i draw another colored line surrounding all the polygons in the same layer?
You are looking for the Concave Hull of your features. So first you need to get a GeometryCollection
of your features. You can then call Eric Grosso's Concave Hull implementation.
So something like:
File f = new File("/home/ian/Data/states/states.shp");
FileDataStore ds = FileDataStoreFinder.getDataStore(f);
Filter filter = ECQL.toFilter("strEndsWith(\"STATE_NAME\",'a')=true");
SimpleFeatureCollection collection = ds.getFeatureSource().getFeatures(filter);
ArrayList<Geometry> geoms = new ArrayList<>();
try (SimpleFeatureIterator it = collection.features()) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
SimpleFeature feature = it.next();
Geometry geom = (Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry();
GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
GeometryCollection gc = gf.createGeometryCollection(geoms.toArray(new Geometry[] {}));
gc = (GeometryCollection) Densifier.densify(gc, 5);
double threshold = 10;
ConcaveHull ch = new ConcaveHull(gc, threshold);
Geometry concaveHull = ch.getConcaveHull();
Which in this case generates the following map:
while a threshold of 1 gives: