I have two views Add and Edit view both views are different UI but same viewmodel. By using mvvm i have set binding context to both view as same viewmodel. I am new to fresh mvvm. In fresh mvvm, I don't know how to set same viewmodel to two views. Another one is, I have passing parameter to the viewmodel constructor, how it is possible in fresh mvvm. Please give your valuable suggestion.
Normally, the accompanying view would be inferred by the names. But for this use case, you should explicitly mention which view to use. There is a method for that, you should be able to use it like this:
// For adding
CoreMethods.PushPageModel<AddEditViewModel, AddView>();
// For editing
CoreMethods.PushPageModel<AddEditViewModel, EditView>();
Of course, taking into account the actual parameters that you still need to specify for the PushPageModel
method. Also, I have assumed the names of your view model and views here, but I hope it gets the point across.