Consider this yaml
- node_1:
properties: &node_1_prop
role: management
layer: 1
- node_2:
level: 24
<<: *node_1_prop
I am trying to create node graph using snakeyaml
library and I am expecting two properties for node_1
and three for node_2
like this.
Path yamlPath = Paths.get( "nodes.yaml");
InputStream yamlStream = Files.newInputStream(yamlPath);
StreamReader sreader = new StreamReader(new UnicodeReader(yamlStream));
Composer composer = new Composer(new ParserImpl(sreader), new Resolver());
Node rootNode = composer.getSingleNode();
The output node graph by snakeyaml is showing <<
as property for node_2
Code example showing the result on Git.
Nodes gets constructed fine if I define the yaml as below:
- node_1:
properties: &node_1_prop
role: management
layer: 1
- node_2:
<<: *node_1_prop
However my requirement is not just copy the properties as it is but to have additional properties.
You do not load your YAML completely, you only compose it (see graph in the YAML 1.1 spec which SnakeYaml implements).
The compose step resolves aliases, but keeps the tags – tags are resolved during construction. The merge key is defined as a tag and thus, does not get processed when you compose the YAML input.