I have a string(Operation logging information) which is combination of different words and all are operated by semicolon(;). I want to extract the 23 word which are tell me the customer is eligible for the operation or Not.
I am new to regex, Could you please help me to find out the regex. I am going to use this regex in Dynatrace tool where JAVA regex function will not work
String example 1:
57423543521;314743352134;Source;Tue Apr 02 12:32:44 BST 2019;ELIGIBILITY;ABC345;MyChannel;DUMBRE;1;RR87835;NM;2019-04-02T07:20:00.000Z;VV;;;M;N;XCB234657;;24234SDF4435345;MrNitinDumbre;N;N;DFD4546;Adult;;MYTICKET;4535435435;;657657655;PP;N;Y;;Y;;N;;;Unconfirmed;;;Not Performed;OK;;Not Known
===> the 23rd word in above the string is 'N'
(before the 'DFD4546;Adult', marked as BOLD)
String example 2:
435435435435;345435435657;Source;Tue Apr 02 14:42:20 BST 2019;ELIGIBILITY;PQR490;MyChannel;DUMBRE;2;LK345029;CDGPNQ;2019-04-02T21:15:00.000Z;TT;;;W;Y;;N;34243DFGDFG32434;ProfNitin FDGDFDumbre;N;Y;;Adult;;MYTICKET;345435435;;;;N;Y;;Y;;N;Y;;Unconfirmed;;;Cleared;OK;;Not Known
===> the 23rd word in above the string is 'Y'
(before the ';Adult'marked as BOLD)
Thanks in advance
You can use this regex to get exactly the 23rd word, and capture it from group1
Here the outer non-grouping parenthesis matches zero or more any character except ;
using [^;]*
followed by a ;
and whole of it matching exactly 23
times using {23}
quantifier where last match gets captured in group 1 using ([^;]*)