I have a textarea and I need to input a full HTML there.
At the BDD I´ll pass the path of the file, but I don´t know how to capture the full HTML (with tags) to apply in the Textarea by SendKeys.
I´m using Specflow + Selenium + C#
Scenario Outline: Input Disclaimer Filme
Given I choose the type of disclaymer <type>
When I open the html file <file>
Then I send then
| type | file |
| "Cota Capital" | "C:\Disclaimers\CotaCapital.html" |
| "Caucionamento" | "C:\Disclaimers\Caucionamento.html" |
Inside the method:
I want to open the file, read all the html, save it in some var / string and then, pass it to the textArea.
Just read the contents and then pass it to the text area, in your step def.
string fullHtml = File.ReadAllText(file);
char tab = '\u0009';
fullHtml = fullHtml.Replace(tab.ToString(), "");