From the documentation, rbinom
takes three arguments, n
, size
, and prob
. The answer to this question states that if prob
is a vector, it is recycled until n
is reached. I want to find that code!
The R source immediately calls a C function:
> rbinom
function (n, size, prob)
.Call(C_rbinom, n, size, prob)
<bytecode: 0x113526220>
<environment: namespace:stats>
Searching the Github mirror for R gets me the this rbinom
C function, but it only takes two arguments. Where is n
? Where is the recycling of prob
to the length of n
? I can't find it in this function definition.
double rbinom(double nin, double pp)
Searching for all C files containing rbinom
, the only other relevant-seeming C file I found is this one, but I don't understand it. Is this where the recycling happens, or is there another function definition somewhere that I am missing?
With the helpful guidance of stack overflow I managed to answer this to my satisfaction. I'm not sure about the details, but here goes:
> rbinom
calls this line
rbinom <- function(n, size, prob) .Call(C_rbinom, n, size, prob)
located at line 149 of
This in turn is going to call
static R_INLINE SEXP random2(SEXP sn, SEXP sa, SEXP sb, ran2 fn, SEXPTYPE type)
with sn=n
, sa=size
, sb=prob
and fn=rbinom
In that function the code you want is on ine 185: rx = fn(ra[i % na], rb[i % nb]);
which shows that rbinom is called recycling both the size and prob parameter.
The connection between random2 and rbinom is established with a preprocessor in the same file as the function random2.
#define DEFRAND2_INT(name) \
SEXP do_##name(SEXP sn, SEXP sa, SEXP sb) { \
return random2(sn, sa, sb, name, INTSXP); \