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web2py redirect to https function for certain pages

I have some controller functions (in different controllers) decorated with @auth.requires_membership(role='manager'). If this is an http request, I would like to make sure these (and only these) get redirected to https versions.

I've tried abstracting a function like this into a module, which I call at the start of the function in any controller which needs redirecting but web2py complains that "global name 'redirect' is not defined":

from gluon import current

def https_redirect() :
    request = current.request
    if not request.is_local and not request.is_https:
        redirect(URL(scheme='https', args=request.args, vars=request.vars))

There must be a better way of doing this. What are the recommended options?


  • There is already the built-in method request.requires_https() -- when called, if the current request is not over HTTPS, it redirects to the current URL with the https scheme.

    Regarding redirect, that is a global defined in the web2py execution environment, so only available in models, controllers, and views. You can access it in a module via the current object using current.globalenv['redirect'].

    You can also redirect by using the HTTP exception directly (which is what redirect does behind the scenes):

    from gluon.http import HTTP
    from gluon.html import URL
    raise HTTP(303, location=URL(...))