I'm currently trying to read a paginated HTTP resource. Each page is a Multipart Document and the response for the page include a next
link in the headers if there is a page with more content. An automated parser can then start at the oldest page and then read page by page using the headers to construct the request for the next page.
I'm using Akka Streams and Akka Http for the implementation, because my goal is to create a streaming solution. I came up with this (I will include only the relevant parts of the code here, feel free to have a look at this gist for the whole code):
def read(request: HttpRequest): Source[HttpResponse, _] =
Source.unfoldAsync[Option[HttpRequest], HttpResponse](Some(request))(Crawl.crawl)
val parse: Flow[HttpResponse, General.BodyPart, _] = Flow[HttpResponse]
.flatMapConcat(r => Source.fromFuture(Unmarshal(r).to[Multipart.General]))
def crawl(reqOption: Option[HttpRequest]): Future[Option[(Option[HttpRequest], HttpResponse)]] = reqOption match {
case Some(req) =>
Http().singleRequest(req).map { response =>
if (response.status.isFailure()) Some((None, response))
else nextRequest(response, HttpMethods.GET)
case None => Future.successful(None)
So the general idea is to use Source.unfoldAsync
to crawl through the pages and to do the HTTP requests (The idea and implementation are very close to what's described in this answer. This will create a Source[HttpResponse, _]
that can then be consumed (Unmarshal to Multipart, split up into the individual parts, ...).
My problem now is that the consumption of the HttpResponse
s might take a while (Unmarshalling takes some time if the pages are large, maybe there will be some database requests at the end to persist some data, ...). So I would like the Source.unfoldAsync
to backpressure if the downstream is slower. By default, the next HTTP request will be started as soon as the previous one finished.
So my question is: Is there some way to make Source.unfoldAsync
backpressure on a slow downstream? If not, is there an alternative that makes backpressuring possible?
I can imagine a solution that makes use of the Host-Level Client-Side API that akka-http provides, as described here together with a cyclic graph where the response of first request will be used as input to generate the second request, but I haven't tried that yet and I'm not sure if this could work or not.
EDIT: After some days of playing around and reading the docs and some blogs, I'm not sure if I was on the right track with my assumption that the backpressure behavior of Source.unfoldAsync
is the root cause. To add some more observations:
is consumed in a timely fashion (see here for a description)response-entity-subscription-timeout
, I will run into the following error (I stripped out the URLs):[WARN] [03/30/2019 13:44:58.984] [default-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-16] [default/Pool(shared->http://....)] [1 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)] Response entity was not subscribed after 1 seconds. Make sure to read the response entity body or call discardBytes() on it. GET ... Empty -> 200 OK Chunked
that terminates the stream: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Substream Source cannot be materialized more than once
part in my case). This should lead to the fact that less requests are made.HttpResponse
before continuing with the stream. In the discussion to the issue there are also doubts about whether or not it's a good idea to combine Akka Http with Akka Streams. So maybe I would have to change the implementation to directly do the unmarshalling inside the function that's being called by unfoldAsync
.I think I figured it out. As I already mentioned in the edit of my question, I found this comment to an issue in Akka HTTP, where the author says:
...it is simply not best practice to mix Akka http into a larger processing stream. Instead, you need a boundary around the Akka http parts of the stream that ensures they always consume their response before allowing the outer processing stream to proceed.
So I went ahead and tried it: Instead of doing the HTTP request and the unmarshalling in different stages of the stream, I directly unmarshal the response by flatMap
ing the Future[HttpResponse]
into a Future[Multipart.General]
. This makes sure that the HttpResponse
is directly consumed and avoids the Response entity was not subscribed after 1 second
errors. The crawl
function looks slightly different now, because it has to return the unmarshalled Multipart.General
object (for further processing) as well as the original HttpResponse
(to be able to construct the next request out of the headers):
def crawl(reqOption: Option[HttpRequest])(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem, materializer: Materializer, executionContext: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[(Option[HttpRequest], (HttpResponse, Multipart.General))]] = {
reqOption match {
case Some(request) =>
.flatMap(response => Unmarshal(response).to[Multipart.General].map(multipart => (response, multipart)))
.map {
case tuple@(response, multipart) =>
if (response.status.isFailure()) Some((None, tuple))
else nextRequest(response, HttpMethods.GET).map { case (req, res) => (req, (res, multipart)) }
case None => Future.successful(None)
The rest of the code has to change because of that. I created another gist that contains equivalent code like the gist from the original question.
I was expecting the two Akka projects to integrate better (the docs don't mention this limitation at the moment, and instead the HTTP API seems to encourage the user to use Akka HTTP and Akka Streams together), so this feels a bit like a workaround, but it solves my problem for now. I still have to figure out some other problems I encounter when integrating this part into my larger use case, but this is not part of this question here.