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How can I do IP whitelisting for a static site hosted in Firebase? / Is there a WAF for Firebase hosting?

I have a static website hosted in Firebase. I can attach a custom domain to it fine. I would like to restrict access to my site to a certain range of IPs.

I am aware that in GCP Google Cloud Armor can do this. But Cloud Armor only works with a Load Balancer and the load balancer routes traffic only to GCP VMs.(not to a Firebase hosted site)

In AWS, there is a Web Application Firewall that lets you do IP Filtering.

I see GCP has provided links to 3rd Party partners here:

But my question is what is the best and easiest way to whitelist IPs for a static website hosted in Firebase?


  • Web sites on Firebase Hosting are accessible to everyone. There is no way to block certain users, or IP ranges, from accessing them