I have a screen with buttons to select the number of players for a game. Clicking any of these buttons calls a function, passes the appropriate number into the function, stores that number in async storage, and then navigates to the next screen. See code below:
//Example of the buttons:
<Text style={styles.text}>
How Many Players?
onPress={() => this.startRound(3)}
onPress={() => this.startRound(4)}
//The function:
startRound = (num_players) => {
AsyncStorage.setItem('Num_Players', num_players);
On the next screen, if I try to use AsyncStorage.getItem, to get this number, so I can do things with it, I just get null. See code below:
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
get_players: null
componentWillMount = () => {
var players = this.state.get_players;
getNumPlayers = async () => {
let players = await AsyncStorage.getItem('Num_Players');
this.setState({get_players: players});
I'm using the alert function to see what I get from using AsyncStorage.getItem, and as I said before, it is showing "null". As it says in the title, I have installed async-storage from the react-native-community and am using "import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-community/async-storage';".
AsyncStorage can not store interger value so convert interger value into string
AsyncStorage.setItem('Num_Players', JSON.stringify(num_players));
AsyncStorage.setItem('Num_Players', ''+num_players);
Please check this