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Using std::thread in AppVeyor with Qt

I'm trying to use AppVeyor for a C++ program made using Qt. My appveyor.yml only do the 3 following things:

    - cd Project
    - qmake
    - mingw32-make

But when AppVeyor is trying to compile my project it tells me

    error: 'thread' is not a member of 'std'

I'm sure the problem isn't from my code because it works on my computer or when using Travis CI

I'm also putting a link to the CI just in case:

Would someone please know how I can use std::thread in AppVeyor ?


  • I finally found the answer of my question.

    As Shloim said, I had to use

    Then my CI wasn't able to find GetNativeSystemInfo so I had to add -D _WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 in the compile flags